What We Do


— We seek out and support.

Our mission is to identify opportunities to assist as many cancer patients as possible. We reach out and provide funding to those in need.


— We Educate.

We Educate. We provide education through structured teaching sessions and complimentary courses for medical professionals and patients, aiming to enhance health literacy and advance medical knowledge.


—We provide comprehensive medical training.

Our goal is to deliver high-quality, evidence-based training to healthcare professionals, including nursing teams, to enhance health management and reduce disease transmission.


— We deliver comprehensive patient care.

Our team is dedicated to supporting all patients, including those with terminal illnesses, by providing essential medical assistance, resources, and education to enhance their quality of life.


— We deliver comprehensive patient care.

Our team is dedicated to supporting all patients, including those with terminal illnesses, by providing essential medical assistance, resources, and education to enhance their quality of life.

Where we work

As a starting point we focus mainly to provide our service to the needy cities in Iraq. Securing further funds and expansion of our team we can expand to the international level.